We've identified issues with the functionality of the bollards on Bascule Bridge, mainly due to wear and tear. This has caused them to partially retract at times, resulting in vehicle damage and posing safety risks, including potential hindrance to emergency services' access to Te Wero Island. To address this, these bollards are being replaced with a more advanced model. The newer design has undergone improvements and has been successfully trialled on Hobson Wharf.
The replacement work is set to commence from Monday 6 May, with contractors aiming for completion within two to four weeks. During this period, pedestrian access will remain unaffected, but vehicular access on the Bascule Bridge will be temporarily suspended. Alternative parking arrangements for berth holders on Te Wero Island will be provided on Halsey Wharf and Hobson Wharf.
Please refer to the image below for the location of the work site.